LCIF helps Lions improve the lives of people around the world, from fighting against vision problems to major catastrophes to providing valuable youth life skills.
LCIF 協助獅子會改善全球人們的生活,從對抗視力問題到重大災難應變、到提供寶貴的青少年生活技能。 因著 LCIF 透過撥款活動協助獅子會進行大規模方案,獅子會提高了在當地和全球社區的影響力並服務世界上更多需要的人們。
重要活動 Activities
LCIF 國際獅子會基金會
Lions around the world are united by the great spirit of giving and contributions to help others. As the official charity organization of Lions Clubs International and a leading humanitarian organization, the Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) supports the charitable work of Lions by providing grants to assist local and global humanitarian work.
全球各地的獅友藉由給予和奉獻以協助他人的偉大精神而團結在一起。作為國際獅子會的官方慈善組織,領導性的人道組織,國際獅子會基金會 (LCIF) 經由提供撥款,協助當地和全球的人道工作,來支持獅友的慈善工作。
Donation 捐款
Donations from more than 1.4 million lions from 210 countries and areas provide most of LCIF revenue, making the foundation a leading humanitarian organization. Lions understand the significance of their donations, and the funds entrusted to LCIF will support activities that affect the community and change lives.
來自 210 個國家和地區超過 140 萬獅友的捐款提供了 LCIF 大部分的收入,使基金會成為領導性的人道組織。獅友了解他們的捐款意義非凡,委託給 LCIF 的資金則將支援可影響社區和改變生活的活動。
Donation to LCIF
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A.
10 S. Dearborn Street Chicago, IL 60603
ABA Rounting No. 021000021
Account Name: Lions Clubs International Foundation
Account No. 754487312
Swift international Banking number: CHASUS33
1. 國際獅子會前國際總會長 Joe Preston啓動本公益平台
2. 全球公益交易平台捐款專戶如上。
3. 本公益平台之目的:全球獅友互助繁榮經濟創造公益款。
Lions Help Lions Grow Business for Charity!
LCI PIP Joe Preston launched the Global E-Trading for Charity. The goal is for Lions in 210 countries around the world to help each other to grow business for charity. There have been websites of 12 languages created for the global online charity platform. LCIF helps Lions improve the lives of people around the world, from fighting against vision problems to major catastrophes to providing valuable youth life skills. With LCIF assisting Lions to carry out large-scale programs through funding activities, Lions have increased the influence of local and global communities and served the needs of more people in the world.
